Our School Offer for PSHE

What do we mean by PSHE?
PSHE is at the core of what we do at South Petherton Junior School and enables our children to become independent, confident, healthy and responsible members of society, as well as developing the ‘whole child’ intellectually, morally, socially and spiritually. Through our whole-school approach to PSHE, it is our belief that excellence in these areas will lead to excellence across the curriculum and beyond in later life.

How do we teach PSHE?

  • PSHE is taught across the school from Year 3 – Year 6 on a weekly basis and, as a school, we follow the Jigsaw PSHE scheme (commercial)

  • There are 6 Puzzles (Half-term units of work), each with 6 Pieces (lessons): Autumn 1: Being Me In My World
    Autumn 2: Celebrating Differences
    Spring 1: Dreams and Goals
    Spring 2: Healthy Me
    Summer 1: Relationships
    Summer 2: Changing Me

  • Our PSHE curriculum equips children with relevant and meaningful content, which is supported through a strong emphasis on emotional literacy, building resilience and nurturing mental and physical health.

  • Weaving through the heart of our PSHE teaching, is a commitment to enhancing and promoting our core values of being respectful, self-motivated, encouraging, resilient and kind

  • Each child has a Jigsaw Journal to record their thoughts during the lesson and complete any activities.

  • Some classes may choose to use a floor book to record lessons or discussions that have taken place during the session.

  • We link the rules from the Jigsaw Charter in other areas of the school. The children are recognised in WOW Assembly for demonstrating the school values.

How do we inspire a love of PSHE?
The scheme is child friendly with soft toys for each class room and a chime bar. The children enjoy the characters eg. the Jigsaw pieces and Jerrie the cat. Having a relaxed lesson, with lots of discussion and knowing they have all signed the charter to keep things confidential, helps the children to feel safe and happy to share. Each lesson has the same structure so the children know what to expect. This includes mindfulness to make sure the children are calm and ready to learn. All the lessons are interactive and the children are able to enjoy games and Circle Time with their teachers.

How do we help children who find PSHE difficult?
For children who are struggling to understand areas of the curriculum, we have ELSA and nurture sessions where they can work 1:1 or in a small group. There are also lunch clubs running across the school where there is a chance for the children talk to an adult outside of the lesson.

How do we assess PSHE?

Formative Assessment
During the lessons, the class teacher will assess the responses to issues raised during Circle Time activities and the work produced in the lesson. If concerns are noticed from this assessment, individual children can be further assessed using ‘The Pyramid of Wellbeing’ where they can be investigated and referred to the school SENDCO for nurture/Forest School or ELSA.

Summative Assessment
Assessment grids are filled out by the class teacher at the end of each unit.

Self – Assessment
Upper school (Y5 and Y6) use self-assessment grids at the end of each session.

Other Assessments
Class teachers assess the current family and personal situations to make appropriate choices when planning and delivering lessons. The maturity and vulnerabilities of each class will need to be considered and assessed before each lesson is taught. All assessments are used to inform teaching.

How can Parents/Carers help?
As a child’s primary educator, parents/carers are a vital role in their personal and social development. Many parents/ carers encourage meaningful conversation at home about different feelings and emotions. They can enrich their child’s life through having open conversations about keeping safe and making healthy choices.