Year 4 History Lesson

Our Vision

We aspire to provide educational excellence in a safe and supportive environment, providing every child with the opportunity to reach their full potential. We work in partnership with parents to achieve this.

Year 4 Autumn Term

Our Mission Statement

Our Mission statement is:

Achieving the best

Our Values

At South Petherton Junior School we value:

  • Respect
  • Self-Motivation
  • Care
  • Perseverance
  • Kindness

Our School Expectations

At South Petherton Junior School we expect children to:

  • Be Ready
  • Be Respectful
  • Be Safe

Our Aims

  1. The development of basic skills: learning how to understand information in words and numbers and to be able to share this with others.
  2. An entitlement to the creative and expressive arts: using music, dance, art, poetry, drama and our writing to let others know what we think, feel and believe.
  3. The development of thinking skills: learning how to ask questions, explore and investigate so that we can understand the world around us.
  4. Respect for others and the environment: respecting other people’s feelings and caring for others and the environment that we all live in.
  5. Personal responsibility: learning to be responsible for what we think, say and do.