Milner Class

Mrs Divall
Year 3 Teacher
Welcome to Milner Class

We share information to aid life in Year 3 – our monthly snapshots aim to give you a ‘glimpse’ within our learning.

Parent Handbook:
A short booklet to help you understand routines and procedures across the school.
Handbook for Parents

PE on Thursday and Friday (You may wear PE kit to school)

Reading: 3x week (minimum)
Spelling: Practise weekly spellings on Spelling Frame
Maths: Times Tables Rockstars

Yr 3 curriculum overview for year

Start of the day via Mrs Walker
End of the day on Playground or via office email

Monthly Snapshot


We have been enjoyed coding using Scratch in Computing.

Working as scientists, children designed, carried out and recorded results of an experiment to discover which magnet was the strongest. Some scientists discovered that they needed to adapt their experiment, as it didn’t yield data that could be collected; a great learning experience and so applicable to real life!


Year 3s enjoyed their first swimming session of the Year. Despite a few nerves, they were fantastic and all the staff at the pool were so impressed with their behaviour, listening and manners. Well done Year 3!

We are also really excited to be using the new Chromebooks across lots of our subjects now, particularly to do TT Rockstars and a SPAG website, Rollama.


Healthy Eating
Mrs Brooks helped Year 3 prepare a balanced pasta salad. Children had to consider whether they had incorporated the right amounts of types of food, using the Eatwell plate. The results looked delicious! Well done Year 3.

Poetry Competition
Year 3 have been finding out about the important work done by the RSPCA and have composed poems inspired by the charity. These will be entered in the Somerset Literacy Network’s competition- good luck Year 3! In the meantime, copies of the children’s poems are on display in our classrooms for everyone to enjoy.

Inspired by Easter, Year 3 have created egg cosies. They used a running stitch and then decorated them.


We were delighted to meet the artist that we’re studying; Kate Lynch. Kate works with charcoal and came in to do some work with the children on faces. Please do come and look at what we have on display in the school.

To kick off our River Parrett topic, we welcomed Rick Snell back to show some of the wonderful videos of wildlife he has captured in South Petherton.

Our Somerset Folk Tales were a real success, with pupils using inverted commas, apostrophes for possession and joined up handwriting- well done Year 3!


To start our ‘Somerset’ topic, we searched the community woods for signs of local wildlife. There were lots of animal tracks, nests and burrows and we wondered if some deer had been stripping bark off some of the trees.

We are learning about our bodies in Animals including Humans, and so invited Dr Boyland in, to answer questions on how our bodies work.

Our Michael Rosen unit in English culminated in the composition of some rather brilliant ‘Chocolate Biscuit’ and ‘Smarties’ narrative poems, some of which were shared in our Book Club assembly, whilst Dahl class shared a fabulous retelling of Rosen’s ‘Chocolate Cake’.