We share information to aid life in Year 4 – our monthly snapshots aim to give you a ‘glimpse’ within our learning.
Parent Handbook:
A short booklet to help you understand routines and procedures across the school.
Handbook for Parents
PE on Thursday and Friday (You may wear PE kit to school)
Reading: 3x week (minimum)
Spelling: Practise weekly spellings on Spelling Frame
Maths: Set on Friday and marked following Friday
Yr 4 curriculum overview for year
Start of the day via Mrs Walker
End of the day on Playground or via office email
May was such a busy half term with fantastic learning opportunities.
In History, we focused on one of our British Heroes, Mary Seacole. The children explored why she would be called a British Hero and what challenges she faced. I was very impressed with the children’s maturity during our class discussions.
During our STEM week, the children blew me away with their patience as they created electrical systems to make an electrical quiz game for the Science Fair. The children enjoyed being Scientists, figuring out how to solve problems that they came up against (including untangling wires and batteries running out!). As you can see, they created fabulous games that all enjoyed!
Year 4 had such a fantastic time at Lyme Regis. We looked at the difference between the erosional and depositional landforms and discussed how they may have changed over time. They have created some brilliant sketch maps to show where we had visited that day and also enjoyed sketching landscapes in the style of Georgia O’Keefe.
The most important part of the day of course was enjoying our ice-creams and having a play in the sand! The class were praised by MANY members of the public on their calm and polite nature – well done Year 4!
Year 4 have been discussing seasonality of vegetables in Design and Technology. As part of our learning, the class had the chance to put their knowledge to the test and create a seasonal soup. They had full responsibility for putting together ingredients that may (or may not) work together to create a delicious warm treat. I was very impressed with the range of flavours we managed to bring together as a class. We certainly realised that garlic packs a lot of punch too!
King-Smith class have had a rather ‘eggciting’ start to our Science lessons this term! We have been investigating what happens to our teeth when we put different liquids that we drink onto them. We have then observed the effect that they can have on our teeth, especially if we do not brush them twice a day. We are already seeing some pretty gross results and I cannot wait for the children’s final conclusions of what they have taken away from this experiment.
Year 4 have loved getting different maps out to explore the places in the UK. We have used a mixture of atlases and digital maps to discover the countries, regions and counties in the UK. We have then explored the South West of England further by choosing food, famous people and landmarks to locate on our own maps.